Saturday, August 29, 2009

Dear precious family and friends,

I want to thank you all so much for the encouraging and uplifting comments that I have been reading on here over the past few days because they have blessed my heart immensely! I am grateful for every one of you and your prayers that you have been saying on my behalf!



  1. Amy,
    I have recently heard of your diagnosis and just started viewing your blog. Your faith is inspiring. You have come to my mind so many times in the last few days, I wake at night to pray for you! May He continue to bring you peace as you rest in knowing that He has ultimate control over your life. May He continue to be glorified!
    Carolyn Oster

  2. Hi Amy! You don't know me and I don't really know you other than through this blog that I saw through a friend on facebook. I am amazed at the peace that God has given are such an encouragement to me! What a bright spirit you have!! I have been and will continue to be praying for you and your family! Emily Rhodes

  3. Hi Amy ~ I am a friend of the Zigrangs. They told me about your blog which is a wonderful way of glorifying our Lord. I was diagnosed April 2008 with stage IIIC uterine cancer but the aggressive type. Get ready for an amazing journey. Through all my surgeries, chemo, and radiation the Lord has blessed me and His Word has encouraged me over and over as I know He will do the same for you. I will be praying for your healing and for continued peace that only our Lord can give. Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." II Cor. 1:3&4, Psalm 112:7, Jeremiah 29:11, Isaiah 41:13, John 14:27, and Lamentaions 3:22, 23 are just a few of the verses that have ministered to me.
    Sandy Owen

  4. Hi Amy,
    Laurel said that you were praying for me when I was having my lumpectomy. That meant so much to me since you don't even know me. I have been reading your blog and I am blown away by your calmness and faith. I know that you must have the rollercoaster of emotions but you are such an example to me. I know that God has allowed my cancer to be part of my life for a reason. I know that He loves me so much. But, I have really struggled to remain calm and I just wanted to tell you that you are an awesome example of someone who has a strong faith that is really lived out. I am praying for you a lot. Love, Heather Groff

  5. Every week Amy my ladies' Bible study group prays for you..............I 'met' you through Heather Houck Trovinger......she was my children's friend and her grandma lived behind us on the pike...I'm Neal and Stef Rice's mother. You are an inspiration to me!

  6. Amy,
    You do not know me; I live in Pine Grove, but I heard of your story on WGAL and was instantly inspired! You have such faith. Continue to believe that our good Lord will carry you every step of the way. I just in May lost my uncle to cancer. He fought for 18 years and I believe in my heart that our Lord was with him every step of every day. May you continue to have such faith and strength through your journey. I will pray for you!

  7. Hi sweet Amy,
    Sorry we couldn't make it to your event, but it sounds like you had a great outpouring of love! We continue to keep you and your family in our prayers. New York looked so fun. Still planning on dinner with all of you.
    Love Jerelyn

  8. Just thought I'd drop a line to say that I'm thinking about you today (and every day), and I love you! Prayers heading your way!


  9. Amy,

    I wish I could have been apart of your event.. I am a friend of Renee. Know that you are being covered in prayer each and every day! It is just amazing to see the hand of God working in you and through you! You have an amazing family and friend support system which has just got to be so uplifting for you!!!! God is and will continue to use you, your cancer, and your faith to fulfill the very plan he has for you... Know that you are loved beyond words and every emotion you feel the Lord feels right along with you! Wishing you and your family many blessings today and always! Love your sister, Beth Gates
