Monday, October 5, 2009


Please be praying for Amy as she's getting her second round of chemo. Feel free to text her! 717.824.0522


  1. I am heading to the pool now to swim and get my 'cardio allocation' for the day. Amy, you will gets laps and laps of prayer!! Love, Uncle Lee

  2. Be still,My child and know that I am God!
    Wait thou patiently I know the path you trod.
    So falter not,nor fear not,nor think to run and hide.
    For I, thy hope and strenght, am waiting by thy side.
    We're praying for you. Love,
    Mary Lee & Bob

  3. We love you Amy and you are in our prayers! Much love from Lynchburg Virginia (Becky) and here in Lancaster!

    The Aucotts
