Friday, September 4, 2009

I am so thankful that all my tests, surgery and bone marrow biopsies are done for this week. Yesterday, the bone marrow biopsy was definitely my least favorite procedure yet.
Dr. Gottlieb decided that he wanted to biopsy two different locations on my lower back.
It is very difficult to describe the uncomfortable feeling and pain that it was. Yes, I had some Novocain shots but they didn't seem to cover up all the feeling. :)
I can definitely say that the beach is going to be the highlight of my week!!! I truly can't wait and am so thankful for the opportunity to get away and relax!
I want to thank all of you again so much for all your kind, encouraging words of inspiration, your prayers, watching the kids for me, and bringing me meals!!


  1. Dear Amy~ Enjoy your time at the deserve it! You are beautiful!
    love you

  2. May this week at the shore be a week of 'deep comfort' in the presence of the One who will hold and sustain you throughout every second of your journey. It is He who will order the intricacies of cellular chemistry that human doctors still do not understand, it is He who will awaken a friend across the globe in order to lift your spirit up in prayer, and it is He who will draw you day by day into such a closeness with Himself that words fail to express it and songs can only grasp at its beauty. Trust Him, draw from the wells of His grace, drink from the living water He brings you and move confidently forward in the joys of His plans for you!

    Love you dear one, Uncle Lee

  3. My dear sister,
    You are the most wonderful friend and blessing to me. Your joyful spirit is such an inspiration and encouragement to me every day. I love you, Beautiful!

  4. Although I think Ron had some better pain shots (5 vials of lidocaine!) for his bone marrow biopsy, I think he'd agree that words really can't describe the sensation of the actual marrow extraction! I'm glad that is "behind" you (tee-hee!), and pray that other than the 1st round of chemo knocking you flat for a few days it will all be uphill from here!!! Trusting our precious Father to really renew your spirit and soul for the battle to come!!!

  5. Amy

    I am a friend of Laurel's from Calvary Church and I just wanted to tell you that we are praying for you.

    Your faith is inspirational. I am sure that your love for the Lord and perfect faith in Him is an encouragement to others who are facing similar trials and that the Lord will draw some of those that do not know Him to Himself through the Light that shines forth in your life.

    Cling to Him! And have a wonderful vacation!

  6. Amy,

    Can't sleep...

    Thinking of you all the time and praying for your beautiful family this week.

    Love you.
