Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Thank you all so much for your prayers today...I felt them!! I just can't tell you all how much your thoughts and prayers mean to me!!!

I only slept from 11pm to 2am this morning because my mysterious rash was still bothering me and I just could not sleep. This morning my sister and I got to the hospital at 7:45 am and I filled out the necessary paperwork and then they started my treatment at 8am. They started the treatment with rotuxin, which is the one drug that they have to monitor you closely for because it can cause allergic reactions and/or side effects that they need to treat right away. Everything started off great and I felt good aside from being very tired and out of it. They start the dose low and every 15 minutes bumped it up after they check your vital signs to make sure they can go on. I went through 3 different doses and then my throat started to feel a little scratchy and then all of a sudden it felt like it was starting to close up. So they immediately stopped and gave me Benadryl and one other medicine to stop the reaction and we waited till I felt better then they started back up again at a low dose. From that point on though I felt really good and didn't have any other problems. I tried to get good naps in too but I just couldn't seem to sleep for very long at a time because of all the noises. I did manage to catch a 10-15 minute cat nap which gave me enough energy for the rest of my day. I finished up with the chemo treatment at 4:50pm and have felt great since. I am so thankful to God that He is allowing me to feel this good right now!

My sister was a wonderful support to me all day and I loved having her by my side through my first treatment! I also had some other dear friends stop by to visit and show their love for me. I truly felt at peace all day because I know that God was right there beside me holding my hand and all of you dear ones were praying for me!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!



  1. Amy we are praying for you.The song from Sunday is so great,it shows that we are in His hands and no one can take us of His hands.
    Mary Lee

  2. Dear Amy, Thinking of you, praying for you for His words to come often and deeply (as for lots of hugs!) Love, Bonnie G.

  3. What time should we bring a meal tomorrow?
